Hmmmm... well, from experience, such a gaming/internet 'addiction' (if one calls it that-- it could just be "obsession" instead) can be diffuse and not focal in nature. That's how it seemed to us, because it WASN'T any "one" site, or even any one behavior. It also wasn't addiction so much as escapism channeled through a particular obsessive interest.

Or it could be focal and furtive enough that you just don't know what it is, or think that it's relatively minor when it isn't.

I have no idea what he places a premium on. I've been asking myself that for 5 years.

I think that you have to figure that one out. What does your GUT tell you he cares about? What does he do when he can do ANYTHING he wants to do? (I mean, really, truly carte blanche.) What previous obsessive interests has he had trouble managing, if any? Those things are all clues to what he might be using as an escape.

What happens if you disable electronics overnight each night for a week?

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.