Our oldest ( DS8 now ... DS5 back then) was tested and the psychologist had told us of a surfacing of perfectionisty tendencies and that these tendencies were holding him back from taking chances with his intellectual gift.

We introduced him to music and had him take up the piano. During the first year, we re-enforced on him that he was going to make mistakes and that the practicing his does minimizes them.

We also told him how practising on the piano to get better is the same thing as when he does his school homework to get better in school.

Lastly, after each piece he mastered we praised him and reminded him of how far he has gotten becuase he practiced and learned from his mistakes to become a much better player.

He was tested again by the same psychologist 2 1/2 years later and she stated that those tendencies were gone and that he was a more confident and flexible child when it came to trying new things.

Last edited by Cawdor; 12/30/12 07:26 AM.

DS9 - Starting 9th grade
DS7 - Starting 5th grade