Well, my son was rejected. I'm honestly surprised. They said the portfolio didn't demonstrate the ability they want to see, but no specifics even after I asked for them. How can a child who is basically skipped 2 grades, drawing maps of Pangea and doing division in first grade not accepted? Although he qualified with a broad math score of 152 on the WJIII, his IQ scores were affected by his slow processing speed (they were done at the same time so I had to send the whole report). That probably affected the decision.
I also included some things from when he was younger like a video of him reading states names on the TV when he was 2 along with current stuff. Didn't ask for more info - just a no.
I'm disappointed because we could really use the family consultant. I don't know if we'll apply again. Maybe if we retest him someday. Oh well, life goes on.