My 3rd grader just took it this fall. When we got the practice test that they send you along with the registration info, I was much less concerned. The vast majority of it seems to be more about comprehension than actually knowing the subject, the reading part was either answering questions that you could find from looking in the text, or re-arranging sentences. The math was a little more complicated, as it was her first time using a calculator and I had to demonstrate percentages on there for her, but it wasn't anything more complicated and x+4=6. The science portion had a table of info that they had to answer questions on, again just by looking at it, rather than knowing anything about the actual subject of the table.

We haven't got our results yet, so of course I may have overestimated how simple it was! I wanted her to take it so that we could get the educational plan most of all, since we are having such a hard time getting her school on board, but I also wanted another gauge of where she's at right now.