It looks like I might have the opportunity to present a proposal to DD's charter school to offer some kind of homeschool enrichment program. I've found a couple dozen in CO and across the country that I could look at as a model, but I'd love to get input from members of this board as well.

If you are mostly homeschooling (or thinking about it) and want to make use of a public enrichment program, what do you think would be the ideal setup? What kind of classes would be offered? How would students be grouped for these classes?

I was thinking it would be great to have a class that teaches the creative process through projects of some kind, but what could that look like?

Most of the programs I've seen are one day a week, but some are a day and a half or two days. Most don't meet on the campus of the school that runs the program, but this might be an option. The school in question has a couple of rooms that are sometimes available as well as science labs.

I'd love to hear any and all ideas!