Originally Posted by geofizz
I don't control how my kids play outside of safety, respect, and decorum.


Your DD will have plenty of opportunities to observe what a mouse does. If she wants to imagine it as a phone, no harm done. Besides, the ability to imagine an object in another role is a very valuable skill later in life. As the Marines say: improvise, adapt, and overcome.

If you want to get your kid away from the TV and to learn more from you, then my suggestion is to turn off the TV and play with her. You'll find lots of teachable moments along the way. The best thing about those is that they tend to coincide with the things she's interested in at that moment.

Also, if you show her something and she's not interested, it's usually just that she has other priorities in the moment. If it's something I think she should know, I find it best to just back off and bring it up again at another time. Sooner or later, she'll be interested. She might even be the one to bring it up later.

Anyway, I wouldn't worry too much about it, because you can't be very much further from what I call the Big Questions Phase. It won't be long before your DD is asking, "Why is the sky blue?", "What happens to food when you eat it?", or every parent's favorite, "Where do babies come from?"