We use Everyday Math at our school and I think it's a lame program. Periodically, the kids have to write a sentence about how they like math and find it in their every day life. I know they are simply trying to have kids see how math is important, blah, blah, blah, but it seems so simplified to me.
I will say that it is relatively easy to afterschool your kids in math. It's important for kids to get their math facts down well too, which you can do with flashcards or fun games on the computer.
We are actually having my second grader do math facts for multiplication- we did that for our fourth grader in third grade but there are some kids in his second grade class doing it now.
My fourth grader is in our local gifted program in school where they started the year with the fifth grade math book, for fourth grade. He has not learned anything new yet but at least it's something.