hi im what is known as gifted or genius. im however an adult and also suffer from other mental illnesses besides my 'genius' im sorry if kids can read this. ive survived upto now by using my genius to hide my difference and suffering as much as was possible only revealing essentials to family over years. made mistake of confusing situation by experimenting with substance that i only now think i finally understood. i need help now. please. this is a genuine plea to people who i not ashamed to ask bcs you need me as much as i need u. if noone contacts me after this plea then it will br waste of great mind.

other previously typed plea:

the term gifted should not be used by organisations which should understand that the gifts that we possess are usually the source of our greater difference which is mental ubnormality. it is very important for organisations whose goal is to help us deal with this ubnormality by the system finding us and not letting us get so lonely and alienated that when even our most loved ones believe that we are bad simply because we become more and more misunderstood. in my case and sadly many others we get so frustrated that we never intend nor believe to be doing bad and yet we keep trying to explain ourselves and become rebels with a cause. our cause is to reduce the suffering of humanity and guide them into further achievements of overcoming our worldly obstacles. however the mistake i made is that i became so obsessed in ensuring my every action had the purpose of demonstrating that they were wrongly classified as wrong when they were only actions and thoughts of irrelevance to morality and were examples of assumptions based on rationale that when analysed can be seen to need replaced with this new more logical rationale...... sorry before i proof read this over again and not send it bcs i might find i could have explained what i mean to say in better way so i will end with a plead to have someone email me and implement dialogue between a possible (i havent yet been recognised in my very high ability to think and hence having been thinking more than most and actually non stop( in minds endless scrutiny and non repetitive) and keep on learning and whatever i apply my mind to i think about into an understanding of it to a previously undisclosed pioneering idea
(my genius/gifted person)[this text been accidently cut from above and sorry but im too late to re-read and replace it to its originally intended position........please get a member of your support team to initiate a dedicated email dialogue with me because ive come so close so many times in what appears to be an unconscious persistance in to self distructive behaviour perhaps caused by a belief that since i always act with a belief that i have no choice since i cant convince myself to do what i now believe was often the wiser option but was in contradiction to my inability to do wat at every point wud invite hatred which was unnecessary since even the wrong act should have received support and guidance and yet my acts were i believed not bad..... i havent slept or eaten in 4 or 5 days so pls forgive errors in this message and writing is actually my passion and only sending it bcs i am in need more of initiating my first attempt to seek help, than to honour my greatest passion and wish to develop and excel in publishing written works of many types and genres. ok.... please email me at alitslover@hotmail.com

a swift response will be greatly appreciated.

i need to hold my family together before its too late. only by seeking help will they respect my compromise of prvsly always adamant in belief that have the ability to resolve my problems myself by thinking my way out.

sorry for posting to wrong area pls help in redirecting this to anyone organisation who might be able to respond and save a family and life from ruin.