I'll grab the soapbox for a couple minutes.
If a child is gifted athletically, would you do your best to expose the child to a variety of sports and find what really inspires the child?
If a child loves mechanical things, would you encourage him to explore the possibilities?
If a child loves to help others learn, would you encourage him to follow a teaching career?
If a child loves to learn, and learns quickly, would you discourage that ability?

I've got more, but the bottom line is we are not blowing out other kids candles to make our kids shine brighter. We're just giving our kids what they need to allow their candles to burn as bright as possible, and hope other parents do the same for their children. Keep in mind it's a whole lot easier in the American culture to provide a child with athletic opportunities than it is to provide a child with educational opportunities tailored to his specific needs. That's why this forum is so valuable.