Originally Posted by justamomNC
Originally Posted by Iucounu
I wouldn't worry too much about it. Here are my thoughts:
6. Your son's score likely meets whatever cutoff is used for your daughter's school. If so, what does it matter?

that's just it, he doesn't with the score she said he tested with. You have to have an IQ of 140+ which this would put him shy of.

We are getting him tested with a different test and a different doctor in a few months. If she comes back with the same score then I'll feel better about the accuracy.

I just didn't feel like based on her comments we were talking about the same child.
But I was trying to find out if others had kids with this gap.

I mean, I can't even imagine how to handle two different schools and not making my DS feel like he goes to the "dumb" school even though he is still very very bright.
Yes, I would try to avoid that at all costs.

I read recently here that there is a GAI-like proxy for FSIQ on the WPPSI, but I can't find it by searching for some reason. I tried Google, but just couldn't pull it up.

My son tested at 5 with the SB-V and did well with it, even though he had before that had such a bad testing experience with the DAS-II that conclusive results couldn't be reported. The difference was a knowledgeable tester who took plenty of time to build up rapport with my son before the start of testing, vs. the school psychologist who understandably had experience mostly or exclusively in testing children on the other end of the bell curve, and for whom time was apparently not a luxury. His school-psych testing had him cowering under his chair, complaining of stomach pain, whereas he didn't have nearly the same amount of trouble with the outside tester.

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick