oh my aching head ... overload overload overload

OK, so ... GT said district does not accelerate. She further went on to say that *they* think "but what will the child do in the next grade?" She rolled her eyes etc and basically told me she doesn't agree w/ this policy but it is what it is.

This is all so new to me. Basically I have a 2nd grade boy who has been bored out of his mind for 3yrs. Well 1st grade wasn't bad as the teacher was more project based and did fun math games so even though their was no acceleration in math, the games were fun.

I had him tested by a private psych to see where he is. He tested MG based on FSIQ w/ WISCIV, but hits DYS partial qualifications based on VCI. Teacher says he is advanced in all areas and she is recommending him for gifted program due to his level of science, math, and reading ability. Creative thinker, out-the-box thinker, mature for his age, etc etc. Gifted program is 1hr/week pullout for enrichment.

The next step I was going to take was WJIII achievement testing to see where DS is. I don't see him getting DYS scores on that nut I guess I could be wrong as I was on IQ. I realize WJIII is a different type of achievement test than an above-grade level test.

We have no private school options nearby. We are considering HSing.

Given that nutshell, what further testing and grade level would you recommend? Move ahead w/ WJIII? SCAT testing? But we don't have any other achievement scores to qualify to take the SCAT so I guess we'd have to do the WJIII anyhow. Explore test?

