Yup...I would wait until dh can come and no kids (really, how much real dialogue can go on?). I wanted to tell ds' teacher about his low frustration tolerance and other "flaws" that ds didn't need to hear spelled out out like that - let alone hear MORE about how "smart" he is (LOL).

We haven't had any play dates with "new" school friends. We're lucky, ds waits with a neighbor/friend at the bus stop and gets to fool around then. He also has about 6 boys from his soccer team (they've been playing together since they were 3) in the kindergarten classes at school (there are FIVE classes!). Only one of his soccer buds is in his class - and ds is really annoyed by him now) . Ds talks the most about 2 students (a boy and girl) that I think are probably the
more mature/ahead kids in class.

Maybe you could try to observe him st recess

Last edited by Evemomma; 10/19/12 04:21 AM.