The thing that is a even more frustrating is that the school staff in general seem to get all adamant about "the system" - the level, the books. I mean I have to point out that it is asinine to force a kid to read these insipid books that he finds, and actually are, mind-numbingly boring! My son LOVED to read, he loves books and he HATES 100 book challenge with a passion. It's weird to me that when you see a kid like that so unhappy why you think that is a good idea to force this. It doesn't matter how much you tell my DS "This is your just right reading level! You should be happy here!" If he hates the books and find s them boring then he isn't going to magically like them and want to do it because you say that the system says he should. YKIM? I just find it ridiculous - this is reading - it should be fun and interesting. Even adults hate and have trouble reading books far below them and/or that they find boring. I mean, seriously - it's not rocket science. The only one who took me seriously was the principal at the iep meeting when it came up. He was the only one he seemed geneuinely concerned that DS finds the books insipid and when I expressed surprised that he was so concerned he said they are having numerous problems and complaints about the system. I swear the other staff at the table glared at him - I am sure someone would have kicked him under the table if they could have. LOL.

Whatever... we are muddling through - I just have books at home that we log ... They can yell at me about it I don't care if I get called to the principal's office LOL.

Last edited by marytheres; 10/14/12 07:05 AM.