Originally Posted by ColinsMum
Books: my DS loves/d (come to think of it, he doesn't use them so much now at 8.5, I think because he has memorised them) the Usbourne Dictionary of series, especially the Dictionary of Chemistry. Despite the name, it's not a dictionary, and has loads of illustrations. The fonts are small, but that's pretty common with highly-illustrated books - my guess is these would have the right tone. They have lots of information, and I guess are principally supposed to be revision aids for much older children.

Had to resurrect this thread to give you and DS a huge thumbs up and to beg for more recs! We got the usbourne chemistry dictionary, and I was unsure how it would go over, I also got the physics book locounu recommended and both are too hard - but in a good way! At first DS just sort of glanced at the dictionary, but we also got him a model chem set which he LOVES. And so he just started this fabulous thing he does when it's too hard, he starts reading, but skips and skims, and asks questions. So you can tell its captured him. I was nervous because it's a revision aid for HS! I thought maybe I was jumping too far ahead. But now I think it's perfect - in terms of more advanced material without being too ahead and needing math skills he doesn't have yet. And having nice pictures and diagrams. Plan to get the other ones as well. And considering what I just found out his science curriculum is this year, these are welcome indeed!


Last edited by DeHe; 09/28/12 09:22 AM. Reason: Always want to add an l