Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
"Mom/Dad and my school taught me that if I do things that break laws, rules, or instructions from trusted authority figures, Howler monkeys will invite themselves to my home for a Karma party in my skanky honor, even if I do get immediate satisfaction from my malfeasance. I would NOT like Howler monkeys. Ergo, my exam should be my own work, since that is what the teacher said to do."

The world would be a MUCH better place with more Howler monkeys.

The question is what actions are good, what actions are neutral, and what actions bring in the Howler Monkeys.

Because we all get weighted in the scales whether we believe in them or not.

Just like gravity.

You don't get a choice when it comes to gravity.

Reality isn't a democracy.

And we defend against the truth because the truth is catastrophic (as in mathematical catastrophe theory).

Ain't life fun?