... and see, we can only get "good TV" by having "good cable."

BBC, I mean. LOL.

DD currently watches three shows regularly-- two with her Dad, and one with me: a) The Walking Dead, b) What Would You Do, and c) Doctor Who. Oh, and she does love The Simpsons. And South Park.

When she was 3-5yo, her favorite shows were Emeril, Martha Stewart, and CSI.
Then she went through a phase where she loved Numb3rs, and Monty Python (thank you Netflix!) and I'd let her stay up late to watch it.

She's also fond of Star Trek (original and NG), and The Twilight Zone, as well as some syndicated stuff like Perry Mason (which her cell phone plays as a ring tone, much to the bewilderment of most of HER peer group, but to the obvious delight of anyone over forty...)

I guess, other than during periods of illness, she's never really watched much TV.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.