Originally Posted by Old Dad
Not everyone places such emphasis on breaking out of the middle class, some are just fine outside of a high pressured Ivy league school leading to 60+ hr. work weeks and high stress stress jobs. For some it's just fine to make a comfortable living, leave work at work, and spend their extra time pursuing more enjoyable pursuits.

I get a little worred about what seems to be a great fixation on money chasing among a great many of the members here. I guess, if that's what makes people happy, go for it. Personally I'd like to see more discussion about using giftedness to serve others and for the good of community or those in need. I haven't talked to one retired person yet who has said, "You know, if I had to do it all over again, I'd have worked more, played, volunteered, and applied myself less to more enjoyable and fulfilling pursuits."

Beautifully put.

My 14yo DD won't be "going away" to an Ivy. She's going to be living at home, and I think that is fine.

I hope that maybe she will take a gap year in order to do an unpaid internship with a local nonprofit that she has worked with since she was nine. We shall see. She also likes the idea of spending some time job shadowing before college in order to better assess what will suit her longterm.

Schr�dinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.