Oy, that is definitely a worry, yes.

Bigger worry? If he went all Fatal Attraction with DD, she's incredibly vulnerable physically. It would be horrifyingly simple and he could go entirely undetected. I think that isn't likely. I hope, anyway.

While I've not posted publically here about my DD's disabling condition,(I am not reluctant to share, just reluctant to post, so the insatiably curious can PM me to ask)-- it makes placing her safety into the hands of a potentially petulant/angry/vengeful 13yo boy downright heartstopping from our perspective. Property damage is actually pretty acceptable by comparison.

This was part of the problem anyway-- DD was savvy enough to KNOW that she couldn't trust him that much. Not because he didn't care enough-- but because he wasn't experienced enough or, frankly, cognitively able-- to learn to manage what it's taken us (and her) a decade to learn imperfectly and with near-fatal mistakes along the way. There was no way that she was trusting him to lock lips with her, and he was very definitely not getting the picture.

So yes, critical that she conduct herself in such a way as to minimize any possible hard feelings. She didn't treat him gently out of a sense of self-preservation, though; it just genuinely pains her to cause distress to others. She really is that nice.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.