We have a whiteboard on the bedroom wall. I put up questions. He answers them when he answers them, hours later or a few days later. Word problems & math sums. Also, if he's getting rambunctious and I want him to sit still I say, "go watch a math video and then you can watch kid videos", meaning bookmarked Singapore math lectures or khan academy lecture on YouTube (all around 12 minutes) then he can browse you tube for an hour or two looking at kid stuff. I read childrens literature loudly while they're playing on the swingset or the pool in the yard. We're on our third time going through "my fathers dragon", and making a lap book out of it as seen online; reading "a little princess", unabridged; and we're taking turns reading pages from "the boxcar children".

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar