Thanks so much for the feedback, I really appreciate it.

My son doesn't actually cry most of the time, but he does get his feelings hurt easily and feels the other kids target him at times. We've had the "I feel like an outsider" and "I don't fit in" conversations already, and I understand that is still a problem.

But at this point, I think he feels targeted when it's really, honestly just kids being kids. Kids taunt/tease each other when they get out in four square and when they are beaten in a foot race. He thinks it juvenile, says he knows he was out, Anna knows she lost the race, etc. and that it doesn't need to be pointed out. I think at this point we have to just work with him so that he understands that kids ARE juvenile!

If it turns out to be that he is actually being targeted and bullied, then that's a different story and we will have to address that then. Thanks again!