Originally Posted by 1111
This what I did so far. I called the admissions director and casually asked him about the meeting. Seems it might not be a one on one with the teacher but rather a couple of families at a time. I am bringing some copies for her of DS's work and report just in case, but assuming I will not have the opportunity to give it to her.
I told the admissions director about my son's results and he said I should give them to the teacher. He said he was going to alert her to DS being PG and let her know I will be bringing her the results from the testing. This was she is already prepared for it without me taking her off guard.
I think I will wait a few weeks and let her get to know him. Then I will ask for a meeting with her to see what she would suggest.
Given that she got the IQ scores, and almost no teacher is comfortable looking at them. (It isn't taught at teacher school) I would make an attempt to set up a private meeting (no other parents, no child) to review 'that paperwork that Ms. So and So gave you.' I'll bet a dollar that
a) teacher didn't receive it.
b) teacher received it but didn't look at it
c) teacher received it but would welcome the chance to review it.

The sad truth is that the IQ test isn't much help in creating curriculum for an individual child. Neither are most achievement tests. (MAP test excluded)((take a moment and be horrified - it's terrible that 'placement technology' just doesn't exist.)) That's why the work samples are so important.The most you can get from an IQ test is confirmation that we are outside the usual box, and therefore have to start from scratch building a tailor-made education for this individual child. It is as though all the other kids are fine with 'off the rack' school uniforms, and your kid just happens to need clothing cut from fabric and sewn it his personal measurements.

Hope that helps,

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