thank you all for the tips and opinions! I couldn't find this thread after I originally posted it until just now! lol ... as for the testing, I wouldn't be doing anything about that until later just as you all suggested. Right now there's no need. Both my boys are home with me and we're not looking at school until a few years from now. Plus with Illinois not having mandatory K, we might skip K and go straight to 1st grade. I am more so trying to see what we may be dealing with in a few years. I did some reading after I first posted and realized the state of Illinois puts ZERO $ towards education for gifted children ... we live just 4 miles south of the Wisconsin border, so we might eventually consider moving up there even if "just" for our kids education. The WI schools not too far from us all have gifted programs and a lot of them with great results! Plus there seem to be a lot more options for online public schooling with options to skip grades, etc.
Sometimes I feel like my 2-year old is just playing with me! He's in speech therapy for not wanting to communicate ... yet now, just a month later (and obviously not thanks to the therapy) instead of learning words, he's starting with 3-4 word phrases! lol He puts this "game face" on where you think he's completely checked out of the situation and then he repeats what you said our goes and does what you asked 5 minutes prior! He's a very funny little guy to say the least!
I don't think I mentioned in my original post ... he seems to have this natural talent for music too. He likes to rhythmically hum the songs he knows and likes with real precision ... sometimes it's more of a rap style (I love when he started doing the ABC song that way! lol) ... but most times it's with a great pitch ... though very quietly so you really have to pay attention to realize what he's doing. ... reminds me of when I was a kid and played accordion for 7 years. I was never great at it but my problem was I didn't want to play from sheet music ... I wanted to play by ear what I had heard and liked. But I was able to learn a bunch of other instruments just by having fun with them ... just by heart. It seems both our boys take the little talents I used to have and take them numerous steps further

and I am absolutely enjoying it!!!