Haha! So, is there a place for "start with an oval?" What other methods have you seen and what types of situations did they work in?

I never meant to start scribing, but it seemed pretty natural to illustrate little books for him when he asked me to, and draw diagrammes to explain things (like, D'uh)... and the next thing I knew I realized he wasn't drawing at all, just asking me to draw things, wasn't building with legos, just telling me where to put stuff (That started from "here, take this appart," and "it won't stick") UGGGGGGGGG. So I don't want to stop drawing diagrams, or taking appart stuck legos, but, yeah, it's gotten utterly out of hand, and we've been reeling it back in rather tortuously. It's really not a problem, just a dumb parental goof.

My kid seems to have a lot in common with aspie kids to be a kid who is "definitly" not on the spectrum. But that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish. I think he's really not.

Ok, thoughts, back inside the skull now, recess is over.

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!