Originally Posted by rw512411
he seems so normal - how is this possible? Everyone else i have spoken to with gifted kids tell me all about their little quirks, and their struggles, and how different their kids seem etc etc etc.

I think that with most things (not just giftedness), the people who are going to be talking about it or researching online and talking about it there etc - are more likely than a general population of people to be people who are trying to solve a challenge or problem... which means you're more likely to hear about gifted kids from the parents of challenging gifted kids. For instance, I'm here reading and posting because I'm parenting two 2e children, both of whom are challenging to parent but in different ways. For the most part, for most of their day, in most situations, to most of the outside world, they appear fairly "normal" - whatever normal is! If they didn't have their 2e challenges I wouldn't be here - I'd be out having fun with them!

Best wishes,
