a couple of other small things.
Sitting on a yoga ball helps lots with core strength and doesnt seem like exercise. we still have one near our computer for occasional use.
lots of folks here have used handwriting without tears. we didnt though.
DD wouldnt do ot like stuff, so we did art lessons over a summer and into the next school year. the art teacher was a student at a nearby school who had an undergrad degree in art and was doing a program to get certified as a teacher. she knew what we wanted to accomplish and worked on pencil and charcoal drawings and shading shapes for shadows for a long time and then moved into sculpture for hand strength. but they also did fun stuff like color mixing and water color skills.
Same muscles and skills as OT but it was art and not exercise. and she worked alot harder at it than she would have for OT.

also dont be suprised if some LD ish things remain after the vision therapy or get better and then recur in later grades, like 3 and 4 when the work gets more complex.

also have you had hearing checked. you said he didnt hear the tester because she talked too low. does he have trouble with other people and situations or was this unusual?