My DD6 just finished first grade and her Fall Math MAP was 193, Winter 194, and Spring 192. But, that went from a 99th percentile to an 85th percentile. So, I am thinking (and have always worried) we're not enriching math enough for her. I'd love to provide her with something she could do that doesn't feel "honeworky" this summer. And something that is preferably not online. I was kind of hoping for maybe a game?? That would include math skills?? Any suggestions?

As for reading, she was 208 in the fall and 206 in the winter, but 229 in the spring. And of course I cannot keep the girl in books! But, at least I know what to do for a high reader (I think). I do not honestly know how to TEACH her anything as she's pretty much been self-taught her entire life! Oh and she doesn't really go for mom-as-teacher anyway.
