Updating this again, primarily because it's good to get it out to a group that understands.
The regular math teacher is back. The subs had gone over most of the stuff she had skipped, but this left the kids only ~70% of the way through geometry with 3 weeks left in the school year.
So she skipped 1.5 chapters, and now they're doing one section of each remaining chapter per day. She hands out photocopied summaries of the section, which everyone memorizes overnight in preparation for a daily quiz. Needless to say, each quiz is very basic. So that's 20 minutes per quiz and 30 minutes to go over the stuff on tomorrow's quiz.
I'm not sure how long the class will be able to keep this pace. Even if they do, by my count, they'll still come up a section or two short. But at least the teacher will "finish" the course.