Well, I am French and I may say : what a strange idea to learn French at such an early age smile
I hope your DS is not dyslexic because French is an anti-dyslexic based language .... (lot of things that are written different ways but pronouced the same, conjugation,a lot of exceptions to rules) .... A real hell even for a normal child ... This said and as a consequence, learning French is challenging and therefore can be appealing for gifted kids (well, not for mine :() . And of course, French is the most beautiful language of all ... Just kidding !

I have not the time right now to see if I can find things to help you, but you may google "French as a foreign language for children" or searching on canadian ressources especially from Quebec.
In france, the translation for "French as a foreign language " is "Français langue étrangère" (abbreviation : FLE). A first approach on internet ressources may be : http://www.lepointdufle.net/french-learning-material.htm. This site http://www.lepointdufle.net is all about FLE. On amazon, I guess you can find a lot of material like books, music for kids in English and French, DVD or soft. My children (5 and 7) especially love the Mia sofwares. I do not have tried this one about initiation to English and spanish for French speaking kids ... but may be the French for English speakers exists ....
Anyway, of course the best thing is actually to speak French with French or French speaking people.

If it comes you need occasionl translation or so, you can private mail me. I cannot promise to answer in a minute, but I will try as best as I can.

Last edited by raoulpetite; 04/20/12 12:28 PM.

Sorry for the English !