Thanks, posters, & I have additional info from Duke, FWIW. Went ahead & called again, which I should have done in the first place: approx 6,500 EXPLORE test-takers thru TIP in the 2011-12 year. Of those test-takers, 288 achieved a composite score of 23 or above and this qualifies those students for a state-level award. These students are not invited to the national ceremony (bummer, IMO).

This info was not included in the letter we received, so others here may find it useful. Our letter pertained to 7th grade search, which had nothing to do w/our DS2. A letter providing info above would have been nice to send to DS2's school, but they probably wouldn't notice, anyway. I told the counselor his scores over the phone & she said they were "great," but not to expect them again when he took the EXPLORE thru the school in 7th grade! She said his scores would probably go down!!

Didn't know what to say to that, so I just let it go.

Anyway, breakdown of last year's EXPLORE stats via TIP can be found on their web site - or so I was told but I haven't had a chance to look yet. Stats for this year will be up by early June.

We will definitely go to the award at our flagship U and its good to know that EXPLORE students received a special recognition, so thanks ch64. Our older DS enjoyed the 7th grade ceremony and our flagship conducts a nice event, so DS2 will probably have a great time. He will especially enjoy pics w/the university mascot, as DS1 did ;-)