Hi rw512411,

I hope it's ok to cross post to another forum here, but there is an Australian forum which you might find of use re accessing 'local' resources (if you haven't already joined). It's http://au.groups.yahoo.com/group/giftedfamilies/

This site is fantastic, but sometimes it's useful to have regional connections too smile

Re the double skip, it is generally suggested to accelerate one year at a time. Given it's only the start of term two (I'm in Australia), perhaps it's worth seeing if you can skip to the higher grade in the composite for this year so next year he can go up to the next grouping? I'm guessing he must be in a prep or kindergarten/grade one composite? Given how few Australian schools have gifted programs, the fact they have one, even if it starts at grade 5, is not the worst thing in the world (it's a better starting place than many of the inner city schools in our capital city!) - it means at least they're ok with the idea (though being ok with it and knowing what it actually means are two different things in our experience). I'd ask for a meeting with the teacher and principal and ask about what might be possible. Maybe he can skip and be subject accelerated in particular areas for example.

Good luck!

"If children have interest, then education will follow" - Arthur C Clarke