Hi! I'm searching for some help/insight/advice from y'all. I'm not much of a poster, but visit the website daily to read posts, etc.

A little background:

My son is in a full day kinder program at a Charter near our home. One of the Charter schools main policy that kids are ability grouped according to need, etc... and we were one of only a few children that were chosen by the lottery to attend for Kinder. SO I had high hopes for this year.

(my daughter is in a self contained gifted class at a different school that starts in 2nd grade in our district)

It started out slowly, but every night before bed and every morning before school I have tears and begging not to go, he says he HATES math at school... that he doesn't know why I can't just teach him math..and on and on.

I've had several conferences with his teacher about his strong dislike of math (which is btw his FAV subject at home)... He is currently in Kinder but in the First Grade Saxon Math group (highest level in his class).

I asked that he try the second grade math group (he could be with first graders doing math at that level instead of second graders so would be kids close to his chronological age). But was denied, his teacher gave him an end of the year second grade math assessment and he only scored around 65 percent correct. She also mentioned that she didn't know if a kinder would have the appropriate focus to sit with the older kids. I asked if there was a specific problem with my son and his ability to focus and she said that he was average with his agemates.

I then asked for different homework that was more challenging. And instead ended up with ADDITIONAL homework that he had to complete after his original homework. Also the new challenging homework is often not challenging him either. The only way that I can get him to do his homework is challenge him to a race... I pick something to do and tell him that I bet that he can't be finished before I am. Then he is quick!!! That 'trick' may work now, but I'm not confident that it will always be successful.

We just had him tested at the GDC (results are not in yet... will get them on Monday) .. but the tester did say that she "couldn't believe that he was just a kindergartener and that he was pretty amazing"...

My plan for next year is to move him to his sisters school. He can't apply for her specific program until next year but they (they being the administration and first grade teachers) seem like they are proficient in differentiation in the classroom and are willing to work with me in finding a fit for my son for next year.

There are two months left for this school year. My question is should I try and get something for him in place at his current school now, maybe having the testing will help? I'd pull him out and home school him but my husband is strongly opposed to that option. I just don't want him to lose his love of learning, his love of math that he shows at home. He'll sit for hours doing IXL math on his own... He wanted to try it after his sister had to do it for homework.

I wondered if they won't move him to a higher group (even if they caved and tried to move him... the rest of the school has math during his recess).. would it be appropriate to ask that he just do IXL math independently during math time?

So I guess my question to y'all is... what should I do about the rest of this year? Should I attempt to get something in place? Should I just let it go since we are close to the end of the year and leaving the school anyway? Should I share test results when they come?

I just want school to be a place where my children learn something! I think that should be a reasonable desire!