She's just turned 8--second grade. It's possible that it will not hold her interest, but actually I suspect that all the fighting with mom and sister will be VERY interesting to her. wink Also, I think she will be enthralled by the idea of the hidden world. The romance is likely to bore her, however. I need to look at it again myself--it's certainly been many years since I read it.

This year at school, she has studied the Trail of Tears, 9/11, and the African American experience in America. The Trail of Tears has been the one that's been hardest for her. I don't regret that she has studied these things, but I know she is struggling with some heavy subjects already. I had been intentionally holding off on the holocaust (there has been some WWI and WW II talk) because this is all a lot to take in the space of 6 months at age 7 (though she has known about the civil rights movement and slavery for a while now).

Last edited by ultramarina; 02/09/12 09:00 AM.