Yeah, it's definitely when he's bored. And he does the same not-waiting for the answer to be finished thing. But once he hits the REALLY hard questions he kicks into incicive mode & thats when it gets really painfull, becauswe there's a construction worker over there on the other side of the bus listening in while I try to explain why cement is grey from a mechanical, optical, and ontological perspective, and somehow I feel more bound to answering thought-out questions and also more stressed out by it. And someone's ALWAYS listening in! With other kids the endless whys feel like a quest for knowledge in genreal, with DS it always feels like he's trying to get to something specific -- that I really don't seem to be ably to address.

He won't wait for me to finish speaking ever. as soon as he thinks he gets it he cuts me off. arrrrggggghghhhhhhhh!!!!!

Ok, so I wrote that last night, but never hit post. The current set of frustrations is being set off by a really really bad flu. Please excuse any incohearence & blame it on the fever. I don't have this excuse often, so just let me use it, eh? wink


DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!