Hi all!
New to the forum so we missed the start of school info.
I noticed some parents struggling with age appropriate
books. My DS10, 5th grade is re-reading the Warrior
Cat series by Erin Hunter. He's already read the
Harry Potter series (in 4th grade) and we struggle
for book appropriate too.
There is also "kingdom Keepers" a mystery type of book
That takes place in Disney world.

As for how school is going.. Well... His father and I
Were informed DS took NWEA math test and got
A 249 at the beginning of year (as we just now hear
About it!?). I know nothing about this test or score
It was the highest the teachers had ever seen in her
20 yrs of 5th gr. The school put him with the
other top 11 kids for math enrichment for the last hour
of school. However, the other kids are still writing
the problem off the board and he has it solved.

The teacher used the word "prodigy"
regarding math when describing it to us. She stated
DS is using Algebra without being taught the formulas.
So now, the school has no idea what to do with him.
They already skipped him a grade and he's already
in the gifted and talented program.
6th grade is in another school, so bringing him up
For just that one class... And then he JUST turned
10 a week ago so he's a head shorter than his classmates.
I can't imagine him being put in with 7th graders!
I just know he's utterly bored now and he needs
A challenge! Any suggestions appreciated

Maine Mom of DS10, DD7, DD2 and expecting DS in 3wks