My oldest, too, didn't have extended norms applied & she only had one 19, but I generally think that a high score is a high score and worth looking at and considering. Mine was also tested probably before use of the extended norms was common.

You will need more than the 19, though, to ascertain if they apply. Some 19s move, some don't. I believe that those 12, 15, 19 type of #s are are scaled scores. You also need the raw scores that feed into those scaled scores to figure out if her 19 would become a 20 or 21 or whatever it might be.

eta: I find it very odd that comprehension was not given at all. It is fine to substitute another test if that is allowable, but a substitute test is usually given in addition to the standard tests and then used as a substitute. The standard three tests in each subsection are not normally just dropped without giving them at all. Do you have any info on why the tester did that?

Last edited by Cricket2; 01/02/12 07:25 AM.