I'm making milk for several kids right now (long story), and yesterday my toddler was away, so he didn't drink his share. DS1mo got too much foremilk & gulped a lot of air b/c of the heavy let-down... and I didn't clue in to what the problem was... So a bunch of Ovol and several hours of deepknee bends later... it was morning.
I said "I feel like I'm going to die" this morning, and DS2.5yrs (who, I'll point out, was once all-day non-digestive colicky) told me gleefully that I was joking, and demanded to bake a pie. And cookies. And muffins.
The moral of the story is: it gets better. He even made me coffee. (but I added the... erm... flavouring...)
(oooo, and they're playing one of my favourite medieval tunes on the radio, and I'm chatting online, life is actually pretty awesome right now..)

(I know, you know, but it seemed like you might just need to hear it