I'm making milk for several kids right now (long story), and yesterday my toddler was away, so he didn't drink his share. DS1mo got too much foremilk & gulped a lot of air b/c of the heavy let-down... and I didn't clue in to what the problem was... So a bunch of Ovol and several hours of deepknee bends later... it was morning.

I said "I feel like I'm going to die" this morning, and DS2.5yrs (who, I'll point out, was once all-day non-digestive colicky) told me gleefully that I was joking, and demanded to bake a pie. And cookies. And muffins.

The moral of the story is: it gets better. He even made me coffee. (but I added the... erm... flavouring...)

(oooo, and they're playing one of my favourite medieval tunes on the radio, and I'm chatting online, life is actually pretty awesome right now..)

-Mich wink
(I know, you know, but it seemed like you might just need to hear it wink

Last edited by Michaela; 12/25/11 11:09 AM.

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!