Thanks for the replies. The blog really does help. He is currently taking winter term MAPS testing. He received a 215 on his Math (which isn't extrememly high, but definitely almost above 2 grade levels) and I will have his reading this afternoon. He generally loves school especially reading and writing. He is currently taking a 4th grade reading class that intertwines book studies and higher level vocabulary. I feel that the school is doing a good job, but I was looking for extra that might be of interest to him. He is a well rounded kid that plays baseball in the summer and basketball in the winter. He also takes fiddle lessons every week. This is all just because he wanted to do it. I think he would enjoy the online classes offered through John Hopkins (or somewhere else if there are any suggestions) if he qualifies because they seem to hit on his favorite things to do - read and write. He currently makes up his own songs and stories/books. Academically, the extra offerings makes sense to me. Socially, he does well also in his class. He doesn't seem to get into trouble at school, but I have been told that at times he can be chatty when he finishes his work early. He seems to have a lot of "friends" but no body that he spends the night with or has that "best friend" quality. He gets along well with his athletic teams as well. I am just a little overwhelmed by all the information out there and where to start. I think the blog will be of a lot of help. I don't want to push too hard on him, but I want him to be challenged so he will continue to grow academically. Thanks again and all comments, help, replies are welcome!