Now, I am so excited, and we have just dipped a toe in. I went to the used book stored to just 'see what might appeal'... I knew what I wanted to do with math, science etc., but I figured I wouldn't find much to exactly fit the bill. I did get out of there with what so far looks like a perfect physics lab experiments workbook (doesn't need a separate text). Hits exactly where he was working in algebra with the math, as well, so that was good to see.
Intermediate algebra book that I might/might not use...a FANTASTIC text on the evolution and extinction of the dinosaurs. Truly well written, I am astounded it sort of seems to be falling into place without much effort. (so far).

Only couple of questions still lingering, what sort of 'standardized testing' to do at the end of the year..but I figure I have time to figure that out. If folks have suggestions, however please let me know.

Last edited by chris1234; 12/05/11 05:21 AM.