Hi Golden Tiger,

I definitely agree with the previous posters. I spoke recently to dd's teacher who has a majority of kids in her class who are tutored (dd is in grade one). She mentioned that while a lot of the tutored kids are very quick with answers when presented with numerical equations, they really struggle to apply maths outside that limited setting. They struggled with word questions, with using manipulatives and so on. Similarly with reading, the tutored kids in dd's class are all beyond grade level for their decoding, but have very limited comprehension. DD was reading Harry Potter to me at school in the play ground the other day and another little girl, who I know is tutored, asked to read some. She read it quite well, but then had to ask me what had happened.

I'm certainly not suggesting this is the case with your daughter, but, just wanted to point out (as you're no doubt aware) that the learning she will be being exposed to at Kumon is comparatively limited. As the previous posters have suggested, I'd give her a chance to apply her knowledge in different contexts - and you've already been given some great suggestions smile

Best of luck!

"If children have interest, then education will follow" - Arthur C Clarke