I am just post to share, as we do on our experiences. DD7 is in a district gifted second grade, where most of the kids had to score 99th percentile on the OLSAT to get in, so it is a pretty good peer group.

Some kids can get in with a score as low as the 90th percentile, if they are a sibling to someone in the school.

DD brings home her math problem, which was: does the necklace weigh 15 gms, how do you know with the scale and the following weights? DD looks at it and immediately knows because the teacher did an example using pumpkins. And writes her answer, quite eloquently, surprising me, but probably paraphrasing her teacher.

Talking to some mothers in the class, they were surprised how difficult the problem was for their children. Now one of these was one of those 90th percentile kids.

But there was this moment of sadness for me that my kid wasn't with peers, even in this gifted class. And that she wasn't getting more difficult problems.