Thanks Austin. My Ped admitted to not having much experience with this but offered to refer to a child psychologist. R is having some obsessive issues and up until recently the ped thought Asperger's. We are now clear of any autism suspicions. The only time I really see her with kids close to her own age (she is the youngest by four months) is in gymnastics. I really have no idea if they know the same things as her since thats not what the class is about. She is not advanced physically and the only glaring difference is that she understands/follows directions better than anyone else.
The ped said most two year olds can identify 1-10 pictures in a book. That is extremley hard for me to believe, R was doing that as soon as she could point. She just seems normal to me... I need to stop worrying about it I guess, but I'm concerned mainly about her fitting in with peers. Like all parents I just want her to be happy.