Okay after you do the drop down answer....what does the rest of the ep look like?...could you do goals and objectives to support the greatest area of strength?

So if you picked science...

A goal might be in science then
Goal 2 might be accelerated math to support his advanced science strength because the higher you get in science the more math you need
Goal 3 might be something associated with advanced reading to support his advanced science strength
Goal 4 might be ....see where I am going...word the goals and needs to reflect back on the stupid limitations placed on you.

If you are told you can't do that then I would cry BS. I have numbers you can call at the FL state level...and there is no law saying his ep has to be done on a computer.....they can hand write it and write whatever is appropriate for yourchild....and you can start quoting words off of the paper they give you called procedural safeguards about the next step you are supposed to take...no county WANTS to go to mediation. No county wants you to even consult an advocate or a lawyer...so if you say I would like to ajourn this meeting until my advocate and lawyer can attend unless you can figure out a way to address his global giftedness and not just one subject. I have faith that you (administration) can find a way around a computer limitation.

...reading is pleasure, not just something teachers make you do in school.~B. Cleary