I am SO ready to be out from under our soon to be FORMER prinicpal's thumb. I'm not ready to make a hard choice but I need to find a way to help my child ESCAPE! lol!

Come to find out, I CAN STILL register MYSELF as a homeschool, etc...so I could do some minimal record keeping and unschool the child to our heart's content, at least until winter break...

OR I can go to the public "homeschool". She would have about a half day of classroom time plus lunch once a week...the downside of that is they already told me they don't do subject acceleration and we would have to do the cirriculum they want...of course, I wouldn't have to plan anything and she could just go as fast as she wants anyway, we would just turn it in as directed...

The "class day" for 3rd is Tuesday, and I think the teacher said we could come visit, I'll check on that...but we don't have all our test results back yet and if subject or whole grade acceleration is reccomended, I might still have to take her out if the principal won't agree...

Love to hear your 2cents...

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...