I had my DD tested originally with someone who was not gifted or LD experienced. Our second round of testing paying tons more was a totally different experience. The money was well worth it. I know would not to go with a tester that I had any negative feelings toward. I think the comment by the private tester would be a big red flag for me. Our first tester did not even tell us that our DD had hit ceilings. She had quite the spread in her scores, and our tester said she'd never seen that kind of spread. UHM guess I should have known better, but I did not. Plus at the time my DD was way against testing as she knew we were thinking of changing schools, which we did regardless of the tests. I just think that she did not put herself into the tests and needed a tester who would facilitate her putting everything she could into it. I think that the second round the tester "got" my kiddo so much more and the scores were much much more representative of what I felt/seen etc. I would easily pay double for good accurate information. Actually the difference is priceless. Good luck