Originally Posted by herenow
Originally Posted by Camille
I have a "stealth gifted child" I have 2 children
which child is your stealth gifted child and which is your regular gifted child?

DS6 is the "stealth" gifted child. He went under the radar for so long. We used to joke that he would need to go to college on an athletic scholarship. He seemed to meet milestones either right on target or a little slower than most. I was shocked when I got his WISC scores back from school, which showed 99th% on PRI, and 126 composite but due to the scatter they used his GAI of 130 (98th percentile) to get him into the gifted program. My "smart" one (DD7) didn't make it into the school's gifted program, because she didn't qualify on the Naglieri which they use as a screening test.