We are in an area that makes Duke TIP "our" talent search as well. DD12, took the Explore through C-MITES in the 4th grade at a local testing location. Based on her scores she qualified for and took a summer immunology class offered by C-MITES in Pittsburgh. During the school year she participated in TIP's online book club.

She really enjoyed the C-MITES class and we had a great time exploring PIttsburgh. We spent time on the CMU campus as well as the Pitt. campus. We went to the children's museum, the PIttsburgh Zoo, and a Pirate's game. For us it was time well spent.

This year she qualified (by scoring in the 99% of our state's testing) to take the SAT as a 7th grader through TIP. She is hoping to qualify for one of their summer programs. She is definitely older than the OP's DD and feels that she is ready for residential camp this summer.

In our experience, the EXPLORE scores are interchangeable between programs. Duke TIP accepted, without issue, the CMU C-MITES Explore scores to qualify for their programs.