I have two children. My daughter is seven and in the second grade. She was an early walker at just under 10 months, early talker, and was singing the alphabet song at 18 months. She was able to write her name clearly at 3, and simple words by the time she was 4. Her preschool teacher was sure that she would be accepted into a gifted program once she started kindergarten. In kindergarten she took the Naglieri since all K students in our district take it as a screening tool. She scored in the 93rd percentile,and did not qualify. The following year she was administered the Naglieri again and scored in the 79th percentile and was basically dropped from being considered for the gifted program. My son on the other hand was slow to walk at 13 months, didn't speak very well at all until he was almost 4, however he scored in the 95th percentile on the Naglieri and then moved on to take the WISC on which he scored GAI of 130 with a PRI score of 137. He was immediately recommended for the gifted program. Anyone else have a similar experience with girls getting overlooked for gifted programs?