It has been a while because we were frustrated of getting nowhere with the school. But now, we might have a tiny hope and would appreciate any BTDT recommendations and advices:
Quick background: DD7 (2nd grade) and DS6 (kindergarten) both started 6th grade EPGY math program this summer. In the last two years, we have attempted multiple meetings to ask for math acceleration only to be told various reasons that all equaled to "no." Recently, the district has a new GT coordinator who is trying to help us.
Currently, we are asking the school to allow our kids to use ALEKS in place of their regular math curriculum. The reasons are:
1) ALEKS will allow continuity of math education beyond elementary math. More than once we got the "But if your child finished 4th grade math in 2nd grade, what are we going to teach her?"
(2) ALEKS can generate quizzes and homework and track progress and align state mandated requirements. i.e. minimize extra work for the teacher.
However, the district's technology department is concerned about adding something new to the school server and also we are still waiting for the principle and teachers' responses.
Another option is for our kids to do Singapore Math workbook during math time. Pros: no technology is required and kids can pull it out anytime. Cons: material will be purely for review purposes because teachers don't have time to teach to one child; and the lack of ability to generate quizzes and homework.
(My kids have been bringing their 5th grade Singapore Math workbooks with them to school. Although initially we were hopeful that the teachers gave their permission to bring the books, we found that kids hardly did any because they are expected to do the regular work first. They also do not want to feel "different" and feels awkward when their peers ask them questions. We were told that at our school, kids just don�t spend that much time on math in K-2 because state math exam starts in 3rd grade.)
This is a rare opportunity and we really hope to get it right this time. Any advice on which method (online math or workbook) might work better as far as independent learning in a classroom? Which method will be easier/less work for the teachers? Any pros and cons that we should consider? Also, how do/did your schools determine the grades (mainly for the second grader)? And if using ALEKS at school, do parents have access to it from home?