Originally Posted by Beckee
"When a gifted Feeling student is assigned tasks that are below the gifted student�s interests or abilities, the Feeler feels insulted and diminished. The difference here is that the Thinker thinks poorly of the teacher, while the Feeler is hurt by the teacher�s lack of awareness or concern for how the student feels and what the student needs."
And, then you've got my oldest who is both insulted and thinking poorly of the teacher - lol! She is currently planning witty end of the year gifts for her teachers, most of whom she finds insulting. Her history teacher expects absolute obedience to everything he says including hands folded on desks throughout class, etc. She wants to get him a copy of Milgram's Obedience to Authority with a note about authority figures not deserving absolute obedience without question b/c that has potentially negative consequences.