Originally Posted by Mom2Gifted101
I am new to the boards. I came on because I am very frustrated and looking for help. My DS is in third grade, 8 1/2 years old.
What is your son's reading behavior like at home?

Was a new WISC done with the school psychologist? I would follow up immediately with the school psychologist, and set up a meeting with the teacher and the SP to discuss the pull out. (are those the old numbers or the new ones?)

If the teacher wants to use the pull out as a carrot, then it's just as effective to let him in 'as a trial basis' and give specific behaviors that she wants to see to keep him there. At the very least I would set up a behavior chart for your son to give the teacher so he can know what he is being judged on. Once she sees that you are serious, perhaps she's think that letting him in the enrichment group is easier than doing more paperwork. The key is to act polite and sincere and if if the teacher has his best interest at heart and not just on a power trip.

Best Wishes - this isn't easy!

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